[jboss-user] [EJB 3.0] - Temporals and ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

ddennis do-not-reply at jboss.com
Wed Sep 17 07:58:45 EDT 2008

Hello there, 

I have an entity bean with a field "dtupdated" that I would like to have
set to the current timestamp on each update of the dataset. It is annotated
the following way. 

	private Date dtupdated;

My DB is mySQL. 

If I retrieve this entity bean from the DB now, make changes and write it back to the database, the dtupdated field will of course not be set to CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, because it's previous value will be explicitly passed in the UPDATE statement on the DB and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is only set, if a NULL value is passed...

How can I create a field with the desired behaviour? Any good solutions out there?

Thanks a lot for your help - 


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