[jbosstools-dev] Internationalising JBoss Tools

Sean Flanigan sflaniga at redhat.com
Tue Oct 21 00:29:35 EDT 2008

Sean Flanigan wrote:
> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> In here will be a .po file for each plugins "Messages" properties file we  
>> have.
> Almost.  At the moment, it's one .pot (not po, although they're
> extremely similar) for virtually every .properties file in the source
> tree, because the filenames vary too much.  But if they can be
> refactored so that they're always called Messages.properties, that would
> be great!

Let me rephrase that to be less misleading.

Virtually every .properties file in the source tree will generate a
corresponding .pot file.  ie many .properties -> many .pot files.

At least that's the plan for now.  I'm waiting to hear back from the
L10n team on how they feel about getting 100+ .pot files, some of which
will be quite small.  I think most open-source projects have one large
.pot file, not one per subdirectory (ie Java package).

If I have to, I could map 100 .properties files into one or more .pot
files, by munging pathnames into the keys (msgctxt).  That would also
mean a corresponding reduction in the number of .po files.

But I'm hoping to avoid doing that, partly because it's more work! but
also because it means creating a non-standard mapping between
pot/po/props.  (At the moment, the mappings implemented by the
Ant-Gettext tasks correspond to "prop2po --duplicates=msgctxt" in the
Translate Toolkit.)

Sean Flanigan

Senior Software Engineer
Engineering - Internationalisation
Red Hat

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