[jbosstools-dev] Request Assistance for *ANOTHER* Broken Unit Test

Rob Stryker rob.stryker at redhat.com
Tue Mar 3 05:15:47 EST 2009


Test class name:  SimpleAntTest   in archives.test

This task basically has some simple files inside the testcase directorys 
tructure. It also includes an ant-file template, it uses to create a 
build.xml which will then run the archives logic from *not inside* the 
eclipse VM (via a launcher).  This means that the build.xml file needs 
to access some jars inside eclipse to put them on the classpath, and it 
does that.  (This is simulating someone who wants to use project 
archives without eclipse.) The template is filled out with specific 
information regarding the current installation (home, etc), and these 
jars (some eclipse jars like core.runtime, and my archives jars) are 
added to the classpath.

When I ran this locally, the test failed saying it could not find the 
GenerateArchivesTask, which turned out to be due to my installation not 
having the jars available (I'm running the tests from my workspace, adn 
since my workspace is a clean eclipse, the archives jars are not there). 
However after throwing the build plugins into my eclipse folder, this 
test passed.

On Hudson, however, it fails, saying it can't find 
com.vladium.emma.rt.RT, which, to be 100% honest, I have absolutely no 
idea what is. I'm quite certain I've never heard of or used these 
classes. I'm also quite certain none of my archives logic depends on 
these classes. And I'm pretty certain that it's not involved in ant at 
all. So why this is  my current error is absolutely beyond me.

- Rob

      Error Message

The ant task did not successfully complete.   BUILD FAILED  java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/vladium/emma/rt/RT    

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