[jbosstools-dev] Re: Japanese translations for JBoss Tools committed to svn

Sean Flanigan sflaniga at redhat.com
Tue May 12 22:58:02 EDT 2009

Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

> So the build is done now, but I don't see the translations anywhere at 
> http://download.jboss.org/jbosstools/builds/nightly/3.1.0.Alpha1/200905080410/
> Or am I looking the wrong place ? :)

Kind of.  See below.

> I got a feeling that it is not in the build yet, i.e. it is not build as 
> part of the hudson build.
> Sean, if that is true you should create a jira, assign it to Nick and 
> provide details in that issue on how this should be built and
> how it should be packaged (I remember we had a discussion on this 
> before, but i don't remember the conclusion).

I thought the "revised conclusion" [1] was to include the translated
properties in the source tree (right next to the English properties
files), and build them into the plugins that way.  But if you don't
remember it that way, perhaps we hadn't really reached consensus.  Uh oh.

The idea of separate langpacks just wasn't working.  I did a lot of work
on langpack generation and getting the metadata right (eg for fragment
plugins containing the translations), but there were going to be big
problems with localising features (no such thing as feature fragments),
 maintaining extra update sites, and debugging with translations.  And
of course it would complicate the build.  YAGNI (yet, anyway).

With the current approach, the build shouldn't need any work at all.
There are file conversions between properties and PO for the
translators, but they will be happening in jboss-L10n or
jbosstools-L10n, so you don't really need to worry about them, except
for string freezes.  Even the string freezes should be less painful than
previously described, but I'll put that in another email.

Anyway, I haven't downloaded that exact build, but I just downloaded
H162, and the *_ja.properties files *are* inside the plugins.  I'm
having trouble getting JBoss Tools plugins to activate in
eclipse-jee-galileo-M7, but the ja files seem to be there, inside the jars.



Sean Flanigan

Senior Software Engineer
Engineering - Internationalisation
Red Hat

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