[jbosstools-dev] .drl code completion broken in latest drools ?

Nick Boldt nboldt at redhat.com
Tue May 31 18:33:11 EDT 2011

Job [1] now config'd to use 5.2.0.CR1 in stable branch (and stick w/ 
SNAPSHOT for trunk).


finished w/ success.

Published to site for aggregation into JBT here:


Meanwhile, trunk version is here:


Let me know if that fixes the issue.

On 05/31/2011 07:23 AM, Kris Verlaenen wrote:
> Builds should be picked up from nexus:
> https://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/repositories/releases/org/drools/org.drools.updatesite/5.2.0.CR1/org.drools.updatesite-5.2.0.CR1-assembly.zip
> Geoffrey and Nick have been syncing on this.
> Afaik there's this hudson job that takes our artefacts from Nexus, does
> some modifications and puts them somewhere so the JBTools build can pick
> them up.
> https://hudson.qa.jboss.com/hudson/job/jbosstools-drools-5.2_stable_branch/
> It's probably just a matter of changing that build job VERSION
> configuration from 5.2.0-SNAPSHOT to 5.2.0.CR1.
> Kris
> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>> Luckily Drools 5.2.x is also on codefreeze ;)
>>> We released Drools 5.2.0.CR1 last Friday, and final should be
>>> released end of this week.
>>> So I would recommend these as stable tags, preferring 5.2.0 final if
>>> that can still make it in, but the differences should be minimal.
>> 5.2.0.CR1 is what we can take in for our CR1 (building today/tonight)
>> - we will have a CR2 where we can drag in your final.
>> Currently it seems we are picking it up from your hudson jobs directly
>> - I assume that is the wrong place then ;)
>> Are you and Nick synced on where he should take bits from and what
>> builds to use ?
>> /max
>>> Kris
>>> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>>> I've just tested this with the Drools 5.2.CR1 release and snapshot
>>>>> and I cannot reproduce this.
>>>>> Do you know what version of Drools currently is integrated?
>>>> The version you last told us to integrate with ? :)
>>>> Looking at hudson it says we are picking up Drools 5.2-SNAPSHOT
>>>> which sounds very wrong considering we are in codefreeze since
>>>> yesterday!!.
>>>> Brian/Kris ? Which release should we be using for the upcoming
>>>> release ?
>>>> /max
>>>>> Kris
>>>>> Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>>>>>> Kris,
>>>>>> https://issues.jboss.org/browse/JBIDE-8820
>>>>>> Worked in previous versions - now it stopped.
>>>>>> Is this something that is limited to a very specific use case or
>>>>>> something that is fixed so we don't have to keep this regression
>>>>>> around ?
>>>>>> /max
>>>>>> http://about.me/maxandersen
>>>> /max
>>>> http://about.me/maxandersen
>> /max
>> http://about.me/maxandersen

Nick Boldt :: JBoss by Red Hat
Productization Lead :: JBoss Tools & Dev Studio

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