[jbosstools-dev] SVN cleanup of old deprecated projects: drools, labs, profiler, and workingset

Max Rydahl Andersen max.andersen at redhat.com
Sat Nov 26 06:03:53 EST 2011

> Sometimes the best way to see if something is actually still used / 
> needed is to move it and see who screams. :)

No its not - It costed me quite some time to get the proper plugins/features removed in eclipse
because suddenly the modules I had loaded had disappeared.

> Asking in advance often leads to replies like "oh, just leave it, this 
> is a bad time for churn"... like every time I've pushed to move a 
> project or two to github. :P

That is very different and in every case informing about the move *before* it happens is common curtesy.

> Anyway, if you want them back in the root, fine. I Just did a few `svn 
> move` commands to move them, so reverting those commits should be safe.


> But I have to ask... why are you so attached to code that we don't 
> publish?

Because I use the code in my daily development ?
Because we actually have code that are experiments that is being worked on before it gets into the main build ?
Because having DEPRECATED folder in trunk has no purpose/meaning ?

> Surely if it's not healthy enough to be pushed to jboss.org as 
> part of JBT, it's not worth keeping?

see above ^

> And if you'd happily have me delete 
> it, then why should I put it back?

The drools stuff obviously wasn't just something that could be deleted if the docs are actually still what is being used.

labs is something we've had for a while for experiments.

profiler and working set would make more sense to put into labs then than into something as useless and weird as capital letter DEPRECATED folder.

if stuff is deprecated and not needed then we have a version control system (svn) where you can simple *delete* stuff and if you want it back svn can bring it back for you.

In short - I can move those two (profiler and working set) off tools trunk - but I would probably do it by moving to github.

I've added those two to my todo.


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