[jbosstools-dev] Extending the AS Server View

Rob Cernich rcernich at redhat.com
Thu Feb 2 12:43:43 EST 2012

Hey all,

Once again, I'm working on SwitchYard tooling and would like to present details about the SY subsystem and deployments in the Servers view.  I know the mechanics of extending the view, but need access to the management client so I can generate the content.  I noticed there is a ManagerService, but it only provides support for basic operations (deploy, undeploy, start, stop).  Are there any plans to expand this interface to allow the execution of generic operations (e.g. ModelNode execute(ModelNode node))?

On that same note, are there any plans to add some basic content to the servers view (e.g. details, subsystems, etc.)?  Since I'll be adding support for a subsystem, it would be nice if there were a "Subsystems" container provided by the core tooling.

I don't mind putting together a patch for any (all) of this stuff.  I should be able to get the basics done in a couple days.

Let me know what you think.

Thanks in advance,

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