[jbosstools-dev] Red Builds, Yellow Builds & Test Failures (getting ready for Code Freeze TOMORROW)

André Dietisheim adietish at redhat.com
Mon Apr 8 03:34:36 EDT 2013

> The way the E4 UISynchronizer runs UI messages seems to be changed.
> The usage tests run in the following way:
> - the usage_reporting_enabled property is set to false in the parent pom
> - Eclipse starts the usage extension point that triggers opening the 
> dialog asynchronously
> - Eclipse runs tests that set the usage_reporting_enabled property to 
> true
> Eclipse < Kepler M6 works as follows:
> - the usage_reporting_enabled property is set to false in the parent pom
> - Eclipse starts the usage extension point that triggers opening the 
> dialog asynchronously
> - Eclipse tries to open the dialog; since 
> usage_reporting_enabled=false, the dialog isn't open
> - Eclipse runs tests that set the usage_reporting_enabled property to 
> true
> Kepler M6 on Linux works in the following way:
> - the usage_reporting_enabled property is set to false in the parent pom
> - Eclipse starts the usage extension point that triggers opening the 
> dialog asynchronously
> - Eclipse runs tests that set the usage_reporting_enabled property to 
> true
> - Eclipse tries to open the dialog; since 
> usage_reporting_enabled=true, the dialog is open

so to sum up >= Kepler M6, the tests are run before the Eclipse 
extension tries to open the dialog, right (< Kepler M6 it's the other 
way round)?
I have no idea whether this is expected or not. Who does actually decide?

> There are no more Eclipse instances when running a test plugin.

I dont get this one, can you please explain more?

> Also, it is not important if a test is an UI test or not. Eclipse will 
> always call the usage's startup ext. point if the usage plugin is 
> included which will trigger opening the dialog.

Sure, no doubt.

> You can check this as follows:
> - clone the jbosstools-build component
> - remove -Dusage_reporting_enabled=false from the parent/pom.xml
> - mvn clean install -f parent/pom.xml
> - cd <usage_test_directory>
> - mvn clean verify
> The test will always freeze - on Linux, Windows, Mac, Kepler M6, 
> Kepler M5, Indigo...
> Snjeza

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