[jbosstools-dev] Ceylon IDE and OpenShift

Matej Lazar mlazar at redhat.com
Sat Mar 23 08:07:17 EDT 2013

On 22/03/13 21:06, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:
>> As I understand it will automatically appear (via rest) in Tools console as OpenShift application type.
>> It would be great, that users can start writing code in Ceylon IDE.
>> Sample application includes Eclipse's .project, so it can be imported as existing project into workspace.
> Where can I try this out ?

It's not included in OpenShift yet, here is a sample app code:
I'll let you know, when it is in OpenShift.

>> Are there any plans to include Ceylon IDE as part of JBoss Tools?
> no direct plans yet - we've been waiting for the plugins names/layout and distribution model to stabilize -
> it might be time to revisit that again to see if its ready. (there were some performance problems when Ceylon IDE was added to JBoss Tools but I *think* those are fixed)
>> Can we prompt to user "Install missing plugin: Ceylon-IDE" and automate plugin installation?
> From where ? There isn't really any "trigger" for this since its just an eclipse import

Don't know how are you doing it, just a thought, hook somewhere where you have control and know selected app type.


> /max

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