[jbosstools-dev] Question on ASTools profiling

Max Rydahl Andersen manderse at redhat.com
Thu Nov 7 07:20:32 EST 2013

On Wed, Nov 06, 2013 at 10:43:34PM +0800, Rob Stryker wrote:
>This block of code is also a bit inconvenient since it happens after 95%
>of the launch code but before the vmrunner.run(etc), so it requires us
>to basically copy a superclass's entire 300 line method in order to
>sneak the profiling bit in before the launch is run.

Why do you need 300 line method to add this ? 

It's what other server adapters do too for enabling profile is it not ?

Maybe we got it in the wrong place since this actually sounds like something 
that all server adapters should be able to benefit from as long as they are launched
with pure java.

>Anyway, any advice on how this works, what kinda changes it can make to
>the launch, or how to set up my env to test it, would be very helpful.

Install a Profiler plugin, like YourKit (http://www.yourkit.com/features/eclipse/) which supports
Eclipse notion of Profile runs.

Then you should be able to run a profiler against any java launch, including our server adapter.


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