[jbosstools-dev] Installing JBT 4.1.1.x builds on JBDS 7.0.1

Yahor Radtsevich yradtsevich at exadel.com
Tue Oct 22 13:49:28 EDT 2013

Hi all,

I am wondering how JBDS users can install JBT 4.1.1.x builds.

For instance, I want to install CordovaSim from JBT 4.1.1.Beta1 on my JBDS
7.0.1. The problem is that CordovaSim requires BrowserSim to be updated
from 3.5.0.Final to 3.5.1.Beta1, which is not possible due to "a
conflicting dependency" error (http://pastebin.com/sAbAFEMu ).

Is there a workaround for this?

Best Regards,
Yahor Radtsevich
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