[jbpm-dev] [Design of JBoss jBPM] - task and swimlane roles

tom.baeyens@jboss.com do-not-reply at jboss.com
Tue Feb 17 03:46:42 EST 2009


i'm splitting the user and group roles.  does this look ok to you ?

public enum RoleType {
  |   USER,
  |   GROUP
  | }

In TaskService:

/** add a role to a given task.
  |  * @param roleType identifies if this is a user role or a group role  
  |  * @param refId identifies the user or group
  |  * @param role specifies the role that the user or group fullfills for this task. */
  | void addTaskRole(long taskDbid, String refId, RoleType roleType, String role);
  | /** get roles related to a given task.
  |  * @param roleType if not null it will filter the roles  
  |  * @param role if not null it will filter the roles */  
  | List<UserRole> getTaskRoles(long taskDbid, RoleType roleType, String role);
  | /** removes a role to a given task.  Nothing happens (no exception) if 
  |  * the role does not exist.
  |  * @param roleType identifies if this is a user role or a group role  
  |  * @param refId identifies the user or group
  |  * @param role specifies the role that the user or group fullfills for this task. */
  | void removeTaskRole(long taskDbid, String refId, RoleType roleType, String userRoleType);

then the same methods for associating roles with swimlanes

void addSwimlaneRole(long taskDbid, String refId, RoleType roleType, String role);
  | List<UserRole> getSwimlaneRoles(long taskDbid, RoleType roleType, String role);
  | void removeSwimlaneRole(long taskDbid, String refId, RoleType roleType, String userRoleType);

does this make sense in the context of the discussions we had about it ?

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