[jbpm-users] process define version control problem jbpm5

jiacc at gillion.com.cn jiacc at gillion.com.cn
Thu Sep 8 03:12:52 EDT 2011


As you approach  , s1 and s2 are two different processes?I need s1 and s2 are two versions of the same process.

for example , Today I use version 1, tomorrow to upgrade to version 2, this is the same process. Today starts the process instance to run under version 1. Tomorrow starts the process instance to run under version 2.Client run the code does not change.

发件人: Tihomir Surdilovic 
发送时间: 2011-09-08  13:24:50 
收件人: jbpm-users at lists.jboss.org 
主题: Re: [jbpm-users] process define version control problem jbpm5 
In Guvnor you can create any number of snapshot builds of your package. One snapshot can contain version 1 and another version 2 of your process. 
Each snapshot has it's own URL you can use to get its pkg, for example


Hope this helps.

On 9/7/11 11:22 PM, jiacc at gillion.com.cn wrote: 

guvnor can save multi versions of  a process define , but we  always give the newest version of the process define in ksession .

 in my business system , a process instance use version 1 of the process define , at the same time other process instance use version 2 of the process define.

how to do?




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