[jsr-314-open] [ADMIN] Proposal Faces Managed Bean Annotations For Containers that implement Servlet 2.5 and Beyond

Alexandr Smirnov asmirnov at EXADEL.COM
Tue Apr 7 17:42:05 EDT 2009

The whole discussion as about just one thing: JSF has to have managed
bean annotation support, but no one sure what kind of framework should
be used. Therefore, it should be pluggable, but internal @ManagedBean is
its default, for a same reason as small memory card in the box with
expensive SLR camera, to let framework working 'out of the box'.
It would be better to to figure out JSR-299, Spring, Seam, EJB and so on
requirements instead, and provide single 'BeanManager' in spite of
hack-like contexts, listeners and EL-resolvers, which are used for
integration now.

Jason Lee wrote:
> I'm 100% OK with supporting both options.  As you know, I think, from
> a separate email, I currently have a small JSF2 app under development
> running on GlassFish v2.  I *may* end up adding Seam to help solve
> from issues with security and JPA+transactions.  I may throw in Guice.
>  Who knows?  I'm still just tinkering.  For the time being, though,
> @ManagedBean is doing the trick for me
> (e.g., http://blogs.steeplesoft.com/bootstrapping-a-jsf-2-project/)
> <http://blogs.steeplesoft.com/bootstrapping-a-jsf-2-project/%29>.  It
> would be a shame to lose that.
> On Apr 6, 2009, at 5:31 PM, Dan Allen wrote:
>>     Leave the annotations in for the simple cases, and leverage the
>>     EE6 stuff for the more complex.  There's no good technical reason
>>     to throw away the "low end" applications.
>> I would choose another word for "complex", perhaps "sophisticated" or
>> "refined". Other than that, I think we are in agreement as to the
>> scope of each option. I suggest we add non-normative text in the spec
>> that recommends for a complete DI and context management solution,
>> developers should be forward looking to JCDI. Of course, we can't say
>> when it will be available, but surely containers will start offering
>> it as a backport as Web Beans is doing.
>> It's refreshing to me, as an application developer, to know that a
>> mature DI and context management solution is going to be available
>> without having to go outside of Java EE (e.g., Spring) to get it.
>> While we want to appeal to the entry-level users with @ManagedBean
>> and @ManagedProperty, we should also assure those more advanced users
>> that we have considered their needs as well. Hence the recommendation
>> for the non-normative text.
>> -Dan
>> -- 
>> Dan Allen
>> Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
>> http://mojavelinux.com
>> http://mojavelinux.com/seaminaction
>> http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/Dan
>> NOTE: While I make a strong effort to keep up with my email on a daily
>> basis, personal or other work matters can sometimes keep me away
>> from my email. If you contact me, but don't hear back for more than a
>> week,
>> it is very likely that I am excessively backlogged or the message was
>> caught in the spam filters.  Please don't hesitate to resend a message if
>> you feel that it did not reach my attention.
> Jason Lee, SCJP
> Senior Java Developer, Sun Microsystems
> Mojarra and Mojarra Scales Dev Team
> https://mojarra.dev.java.net
> https://scales.dev.java.net
> http://blogs.steeplesoft.com

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