[jsr-314-open] JavaScript disabled support [Was: Outcome of JSFDays discussions]

Martin Marinschek mmarinschek at APACHE.ORG
Mon Apr 13 00:40:07 EDT 2009

Hi Andy,

> Thanks for reading through my long email and for the comments! :-)
> Sorry I wasn't able to follow up on this last week...

sure, took me a while as well ;)

> In the initial non-generic/Ajax-specific design we did have assumptions
> based on the component type - ie. <f:ajax> only supported "action"
> events for command components and "valueChange" events for
> editableValueHolders.  This was awful - and one of the main reasons why
> we decided to move forward with the generic Behavior solution.
> With the current solution, the component identifies the set of supported
> events as well as the default event via the ClientBehaviorHolder
> interface.  This allows ClientBehavior implementations (such as
> AjaxBehavior) to avoid making assumptions based on the component type,
> which is important for interoperability - ie. this allows us to write
> ClientBehavior implementations which are not specific to a known set of
> components - but can work with arbitrary components from different
> component providers (eg. RichFaces, IceFaces, Trinidad, ADF Faces, etc...).

ok, of course - sorry for my ignorance about this API. I saw it - but
I didn't draw the right conclusions. With this, I fully agree with

> As you point out, however, the component renderer does not currently
> know whether a ClientBehavior or ClientBehaviors attached to such events
> are capable of producing fallback content.  So, if we want to support
> fallback content rendering in a generic way, we could add two new
> methods to ClientBehavior:
> 1. public boolean isFallbackAvailable()
> 2. public void renderFallback(BehaviorContext)

I am ok with this now as well.

> If it is too late to get something like this in for 2.0 - ie. if we
> cannot add these two methods to ClientBehavior, then we can still solve
> this problem in 2.1 by introducing a FallbackClientBehavior interface.
> This means that renderers will need to do an "instanceof
> FallbackClientBehavior" test when trying to determine whether fallback
> content is available, but this seems reasonable to me.

better if we had it in 2.0 of course.

>> in this case, we would really need to provide something in the spec
>> which checks if javascript is enabled. Can we really still do this for
>> 2.0?
> I know that the 2.0 spec has been handed off to the JCP - not sure how
> much leeway we have to add new APIs at this point.  Were you thinking of
> new methods on FacesContext?  Perhaps something like:
> - public boolean isClientScriptingDisabled()
> - public void setClientScriptingDisabled()
> This might be useful even if we did not provide any automatic detection
> for the disabled scripting case, since it would at least provide a
> standard way for server-side code (components/renderers/behaviors) to
> easily determine whether to script-free content is required.
> I do think it is possible to do everything that we discussed here in
> 2.1.  If it is too late to support this in 2.0, perhaps we should add
> "disabled JavaScript support" to our 2.1 feature list - not just for
> ClientBehavior/AjaxBehavior - but for the more general
> <h:commandButton>/<h:commandLink> case as well.
>> ok, now this is not so extremely easy. What we do in cs-JSF is we have
>> a noscript tag - in this noscript tag, we render content which
>> displays a modal dialog, telling the user that javascript is disabled
>> and that he is forwarded to a javascript-free version of the page.
> Just curious - how do you do the forward?

the user has to explicitly say "ok" in the dialog - there is nothing
automatic of course if JavaScript is disabled.

>> I don't see how we can easily do the same in the spec - what we could
>> do is we could provide some information in the faces-messages section
>> of the page including a link. This information would only be rendered
>> in a noscript environment and - on clicking the link - would forward
>> the user to the script-free version of the page.
> Yeah - seems like something along these lines would work.  Thanks for
> suggesting this solution!
> We could consider encapsulating this in a "noscript" component that
> renders the appropriate content.

> Right.  If we provide standard APIs for tracking the disabled scripting
> state (eg. FacesContext is/setClientScriptingDisabled()), then we could
> simply leave it up to the app developer to figure out when to call
> setClientScriptingDisabled(true), at least for the moment.  Of course,
> it would be good to provide a standard mechanism for automatically
> detecting the disabled scripting scenario, though I imagine this would
> need to wait until 2.1.

yes, probably - but the API methods might make sense to be added right
now, if we also have the fallback-methods on the behaviours in place.
We could then say that an implementation _may_ support a
JavaScript-free fallback and JavaScript detection, and for the next
version, we could change this to _must_.

Two additional comments by Imre Osswald (via private mail, he reads
the mailing-list, but can of course not post):

- potentially, every command-link could be rendered as an <input
type="submit">, and then some additional javascript is rendered which
makes this look and act like a link: a very interesting suggestion,
cause it would mean we would not need any javascript detection at all!
However, I do see some backwards compatibility issues.

- instead of rendering a faces-message allowing the user to switch to
the javascript-free version, we could always render the first page
javascript-free, and render a javascript-block which redirects to the
javascript-version (however, this would need an additional
page-rendering in 98+% of the cases for a new session). Also a very
interesting suggestion, but I personally believe we should optimize
for the javascript-enabled case, and not for the non-javascript case.



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