[jsr-314-open] [ADMIN] jsr-314-comments at jcp.org goes straight to jsr-314-open.

Andy Schwartz andy.schwartz at ORACLE.COM
Tue Apr 21 11:00:02 EDT 2009

Dan Allen wrote On 4/20/2009 6:30 PM ET:
> Relaying the message allows a person's voice to be heard but gives 
> them little opportunity for engaging in a conversation. It's like 
> playing telephone and the result is that the message gets garbled. So 
> #2 is what I prefer. Plus, channeling messages from the community 
> directly into the main list just causes confusion. We need those 
> threads isolated and interactive. Then, when there is really an action 
> item, it comes over into the main list and we discuss how to address 
> it formally. It's like having a -users and -dev list split, except in 
> this case -users would not be for questions about how to use JSF, only 
> how to improve it.

Excellent - completely agree.   This comment:

> Dan Allen suggests we change this arrangement and have
> jsr-314-comments at jcp.org go straight to the jsr-314-open at jcp.org list.

Made me think that you must have had some reason in mind for preferring 
the forward approach (#1).  Glad to hear that is not the case.


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