[jsr-314-open] Ajax validation

Roger Kitain Roger.Kitain at Sun.COM
Fri Jun 19 08:43:42 EDT 2009

I've filed spec/impl issues for this.
I will see about the MR.


Pete Muir wrote:
> Hi all,
> I was chatting with Alex Smirnov this week, and he pointed out that an 
> essential feature needed for Ajax validation is missing from the Ajax 
> support in JSF 2.0.
> When you are doing Ajax validation, you need an option to not update 
> the backing beans (in other words, skip the update model phase), so 
> that *if the value is valid*, then aren't saved to the model. I think 
> this is sufficiently important enough to go into the JSF maintenance 
> release. The RichFaces syntax is like:
> <f:ajax updateModel="false" />
> BTW, Ed, any updates on the MR?
> Pete

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