[jsr-314-open] data payload for ajax calls

Dan Allen dan.j.allen at GMAIL.COM
Sun May 24 22:18:22 EDT 2009

> It's a shame that this discussion is coming up after the spec is final
> though.  If only there had been some group of people responsible for
> reviewing the spec before it went final to catch this sort of thing, some
> sort of Group of Experts....

It's just amazing what happens once discussions are released out into the
open, isn't it? You actually get participation. So it's really too bad that
collaboration started so late. But at the same time, exciting that it's
finally happening. Frankly, I don't really care what "state" JSF is in. To
me, JSF 2.0 is but a snapshot in the long evolution that JSF has and will
continue to have. If we can't change something in 2.0, then we will change
it in 2.1. The point is, we need the changes and the discussions that lead
up to them to happen and continue to happen. Otherwise, as David so
gracefully said in his IBM series, we are just a bunch of eggheads in an
ivory tower.


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action


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