[jsr-314-open] mailinglist: looking for immediate action

Dan Allen dan.j.allen at gmail.com
Tue Nov 10 11:59:51 EST 2009

> 1. Call Max Lanfranconi of the JCP Program office and identify yourself
> as the JBoss EG rep for JSR-314.

Can you share with me the phone number to the JCP Program office offline?

> Dan, I understand your position and I hope you understand mine.  Do you
> feel that Roger and I have done enough to resolve this?  If not what
> other actions can we take to ensure your satisfaction?

If this is a system administration problem (which it appears to be) then it
is the JCP that is letting us down. Providing me with a point of contact is
critical step in getting this resolved. I'm hoping getting it fixed is just
a matter of making the call. We'll be satisfied when we see archives again.


Dan Allen
Senior Software Engineer, Red Hat | Author of Seam in Action
Registered Linux User #231597

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