[jsr-314-open] Fwd: [seam-dev] Interesting feedback on error reports

Ed Burns Ed.Burns at Sun.COM
Fri Nov 13 15:57:56 EST 2009

>>>>> On Fri, 13 Nov 2009 11:52:28 -0500, Dan Allen <dan.j.allen at gmail.com> said:

DA> I think this article points out two important things:
DA> 1. JSF 2 is improving with regard to reporting what the problem is (line
DA> number and message)
DA> 2. We can take this as an opportunity to figure out how to communicate the
DA> problem better to the user

DA> When people criticize JSF or Java EE in this way, we need to see it as a
DA> good use case for how to improve the experience.

DA> Of course, tooling vendors can run with this too ;)

DA> -Dan

DA> p.s. Btw, in a future Java EE I would love to see a type safe EL (or at
DA> least a smarter EL that can help tools find problems easier).

For the record, there is a lot of API for this in the EL already.  For
example, ELResolver.getType(), getFeatureDescriptors(), etc.


| ed.burns at sun.com  | office: 408 884 9519 OR x31640
| homepage:         | http://ridingthecrest.com/

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