[jsr-314-open] [ADMIN] Sun Certified JSF Developer Exam Questions (was:Re: Where's Ed Burns this week?)

Ed Burns Ed.Burns at Sun.COM
Fri Jan 8 20:47:59 EST 2010

>>>>> On Fri, 18 Dec 2009 10:08:09 +0100, Martin Marinschek <mmarinschek at apache.org> said:

MM> Ah well, so this is what the community decides as a question:
MM> How can you register a managed bean with JSF2?

Thanks for everyone who submitted questions.  I have submitted them to
the exam authoring team.


| ed.burns at sun.com  | office: 408 884 9519 OR x31640
| homepage:         | http://ridingthecrest.com/

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