[jsr-314-open-mirror] [jsr-314-open] [ADMIN] JSF 2.0 Rev a spec release candidate 1

Leonardo Uribe lu4242 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 10 16:45:41 EDT 2010


That's cool. Just one minor comment. Looking the documentation I saw
UIData.getClientId still return the id with the rowIndex added.

In the mails to this list with this subject:

[jsr-314-open] Ajax inside a DataTable

It was told it is better to change the behavior of UIData.getClientId, to it
does not include the id and instead set this behavior on
UIData.getContainerClientId. This requires some small changes on
UIData.invokeOnComponent (call UIData.getContainerClientId instead
UIData.getClientId) and other methods, but it seems the way to go. Could you
please consider this change to be included in Rev A?

I created a spec issue here:


Thanks a lot for you attention. I'll keep an eye if this is finally include
in JSF 2.0 Rev A. I already committed this change on myfaces but if it is
not accepted or deffered by some reason to 2.1 I'll revert those changes.

best regards,

Leonardo Uribe

2010/7/10 Ed Burns <edward.burns at oracle.com>

> Hello Experts,
> As mentioned at the 20100707 Expert Community meeting, here is the release
> candidate 1 of the JSF 2.0 Rev a specification. [1].  There really isn't
> any room for modifications for 2.0 Rev a at this point, but if you find
> something major, please let me know.  Otherwise, please continue to log
> issues in the javaserverfaces-spec-public issuetracker.
> Please keep in mind this description of 2.0 Rev a when reviewing it,
> taken from the javaserverfaces-spec-public home page.
>  This effort will include work that does not require any change in
>  behavior of the implementation (including any signature changes) or
>  TCK. This work will be limited to spec edits. This work will be
>  conducted under the JCP Minor Revision process. Because there are no
>  implementation changes, no new release of the Reference Implementation
>  (RI) or Test and Compatibility Kit (TCK) will be produced to accompany
>  2.0 Rev a. The existing JSF 2.0 RI and TCK will be sufficient for this
>  purpose.
> For my money, the more interesting release is 2.1, which is currently in
> progress.
> Thanks,
> Ed
> [1]
> https://javaserverfaces-spec-public.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentList?folderID=12309&expandFolder=12309&folderID=12309
> --
> | edburns at oracle.com | office: +1 407 458 0017
> | homepage:          | http://ridingthecrest.com/
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