[jsr-314-open-mirror] [jsr-314-open] jsf.js 2.0 reva jsdoc changes

Roger Kitain roger.kitain at oracle.com
Fri Jul 23 09:57:09 EDT 2010

Hi Werner -

Thanks for bringing this up.  I'll take a look to see how jsdoc is 
processing these functions.


On 7/23/10 9:08 AM, Werner Punz wrote:
> Hello everyone while checking the jsdocs of 2.0 rev a, I stumbled upon 
> something which does not make too much sense to me: following new 
> definitions:
> <inner>
> *isAutoExec 
> <file:///Users/werpu2/Desktop/jsf-2_0_rev_a_fr-all-spec/jsdocs/symbols/jsf.ajax.html#-isAutoExec>*() 
> <inner> 	
> *replaceNode 
> <file:///Users/werpu2/Desktop/jsf-2_0_rev_a_fr-all-spec/jsdocs/symbols/jsf.ajax.html#-replaceNode>*(node, 
> newNode)
> Replace one node with another.
> Both functions being exposed in the jsdocs but marked as inner 
> functions (which are then not exposed to the outside)
> Both do not make any sense in their respective location within 
> jsf.ajax, if they should be jsdocwise exposed they probably would make 
> more sense under jsf.util, and in case of replaceNode I am not 
> entirely convinced if it should be exposed documentationwise at all.
> Do not get me wrong both implementations definitely already have 
> implemented both functions otherwise the impls would not work, but why 
> exposing them jsdocwise?
> Was this an accident or was there a reason behind it.
> Werner

roger.kitain at oracle.com

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