[jsr-314-open-mirror] [jsr-314-open] status of <composite:clientBehavior> (was Re: "for" attribute for <f:ajax>)

Leonardo Uribe lu4242 at gmail.com
Mon May 3 16:57:09 EDT 2010

2010/5/3 David Geary <clarity.training at gmail.com>

> 2010/5/3 Leonardo Uribe <lu4242 at gmail.com>
>> Hi
>> In myfaces we don't have <composite:clientBehavior> tag. The reason is
>> that we don't know which attributes this tag has, how it looks like or where
>> there is some example.
> I am working on an article for ibm devworks where I give an example of
> <composite:clientBehavior> -- I can send you the article if you want, let me
> know.

Yes, I would like to have this article, it will help a lot. If you have
time, please send it to my mail. Thanks for your help.

> Anyway, here’s the core of my example. First, an icon composite component:
> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
>         "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
>     xmlns:h="http://java.sun.com/jsf/html"
>     xmlns:f="http://java.sun.com/jsf/core"
>     xmlns:composite="http://java.sun.com/jsf/composite">
>     <composite:interface>
>       <composite:attribute name="image" required="true"/>
>       <composite:actionSource name="link" targets=
> "#{clientId}:iconForm:link"/>
>       <composite:clientBehavior name="click" targets=
> "#{clientId}:iconForm:link"
>                                event="action"/>
>     </composite:interface>
>     <composite:implementation>
>       <div id="#{cc.clientId}">
>         <h:form id="iconForm">
>       <h:commandLink id="link" immediate="true">
>         <h:graphicImage value="#{cc.attrs.image}"/>
>       </h:commandLink>
>       </h:form>
>     </div>
>     </composite:implementation>
> </html>
> The <composite:clientBehavior> tag specifies the name of the event (click),
> the target(s) for the event (#{clientId}:iconForm:link), and the component
> event (action).
> The preceding markup is in resources/util/icon.xhtml, so you use an icon
> like this:
>         <util:icon id="minus" image="#{resource['images:minus.gif']}">
>           <f:ajax event="click" render=":readout :fontPreview"/>
>           <f:actionListener for="link" type="com.clarity.DiskIconListener"
> />
>         </util:icon>
> For the click event in the icon, JSF makes an Ajax call to the server, and
> when the call returns, it renders readout and fontPreview components. The
> click event is associated with the action event of the target (the link).
> So, when an action event occurs in the link, JSF send an Ajax call to the
> server.
>> In theory it works like <composite:actionSource>, <composite:valueHolder>,
>> <composite:editableValueHolder>.
> I pointed this issue multiple times (really a lot of times but it seems
>> nobody took that seriously). Just take a look at:
>> http://markmail.org/message/dxlpoa3qgul7uuns?q=composite:clientBehavior
>> As soon as any documentation is available on mojarra javadoc I'll do the
>> necessary stuff on myfaces.
> This really needs to be addressed asap, so the feature does not become
> Mojarra-dependent, which greatly limits its usefulness. Besides the javadoc,
> it needs to be mentioned in the spec.
> I think whoever documented the composite library should come forward and
> update the PDL docs and spec. And if Ed won’t do it, I might help out. :)
> david
>> regards,
>> Leonardo Uribe
>> 2010/5/3 David Geary <clarity.training at gmail.com>
>> Thanks, Roger!
>>> david
>>> 2010/5/3 Roger Kitain <roger.kitain at oracle.com>
>>>  I think this was an oversight since this was one of the last remaining
>>>> spec areas that went in.
>>>> I will file a spec issue on this.
>>>> Thanks for catching it.
>>>> -roger
>>>> On 5/3/10 2:31 PM, David Geary wrote:
>>>> There is a <composite:clientBehavior> tag in the 2.0 version of JSF that
>>>> comes with GlassFish, and it appears to work as advertised by Alexandr and
>>>> Andy below.
>>>>  But, as Alexandr points out, it’s not documented in the PDL docs, nor
>>>> could I find any mention of it in the spec (or Ed’s book, either).
>>>>  This is a vital tag that lets page authors attach ajax functionality
>>>> to components within composite components. I see no reason why it should not
>>>> be documented.
>>>>  Does anyone know why this tag was not documented in the first place,
>>>> or what the plans are for its future? Anyone know if it works with MyFaces
>>>> 2.0?
>>>>  If there’s not a compelling reason for blacklisting it from the docs,
>>>> can we document it?
>>>>  Thanks,
>>>>  david
>>>> 2009/5/26 Alexandr Smirnov <asmirnov at exadel.com>
>>>> Sure, the composite client event tags are not included in the PDL doc.
>>>> There is one            <composite:clientBehavior> tag with attributes:
>>>> 'name' -
>>>> the virtual event name that composite component has.
>>>> 'default' "true/false" defines the default event that is enclosed
>>>> <f:ajax> tag serves if 'event' attribute was omited.
>>>> 'event' - the real event name for target component.
>>>> 'targets' - space-delimited list of component id's for which composite
>>>> component behavior or <f:ajax> tag will be redirected.
>>>> The model with 'for' attribute was the first implementation but it was
>>>> replaced wit 'virtual' event model.
>>>> Andy Schwartz wrote:
>>>> > David -
>>>> >
>>>> > David Geary wrote On 5/24/2009 5:55 PM ET:
>>>> >> For JSF 2, we added a "for" attribute to f:actionListener,
>>>> >> f:converter, etc., but we don't have a "for" attribute for <f:ajax>.
>>>> >> AFAICT, that means that although you can attach listeners,
>>>> validators,
>>>> >> converters, etc. to a component contained in a composite component,
>>>> >> you cannot attach Ajax functionality.
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Why is that? Is it an oversight, or is there some compelling
>>>> technical
>>>> >> reason to disallow adding Ajax behavior to components contained in
>>>> >> composites?
>>>> >
>>>> > We definitely intended to support this, though instead of exposing a
>>>> > "for" attribute on <f:ajax>, we wanted to leverage the fact that
>>>> > behaviors already have a targeting mechanism in the "event" name.  The
>>>> > idea was that a composite component would, like any other
>>>> > ClientBehaviorHolder, expose a set of logical event names that
>>>> behaviors
>>>> > can be attached to.  So, for example, assuming a composite component
>>>> > included "OK" and "Cancel" buttons and wanted to allow the user to
>>>> > attach action behaviors to these, the composite component might
>>>> surface
>>>> > "okAction" and "cancelAction" event names, allowing the page author to
>>>> do:
>>>> >
>>>> >  <foo:someComposite>
>>>> >    <f:ajax event="okAction"/>
>>>> >    <f:ajax event="cancelAction"/>
>>>> >  </foo:someComposite>
>>>> >
>>>> > I know that Alexander did the implementation work to get this up and
>>>> > running.  However, I do not see any pdldoc for the composite tag that
>>>> > the composite component author uses to specify the supported client
>>>> > behavior event names (composite:clientBehavior I believe).
>>>> >
>>>> > Alex, Roger -
>>>> >
>>>> > Did this make it into 2.0?
>>>> >
>>>> > Andy
>>>> >
>>>> >>
>>>> >> Thanks,
>>>> >>
>>>> >>
>>>> >> david
>>>> -- roger.kitain at oracle.comhttps://twitter.com/rogerk09http://www.java.net/blogs/rogerk
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