[keycloak-dev] Appliance dist and WildFly feature packs

Stan Silvert ssilvert at redhat.com
Tue Sep 16 08:49:46 EDT 2014

On 9/16/2014 8:34 AM, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Stan Silvert" <ssilvert at redhat.com>
>> To: keycloak-dev at lists.jboss.org
>> Sent: Tuesday, 16 September, 2014 2:20:44 PM
>> Subject: Re: [keycloak-dev] Appliance dist and WildFly feature packs
>> On 9/16/2014 5:59 AM, Stian Thorgersen wrote:
>>> WildFly 9 introduces features packs which seams ideal for us to build
>>> Keycloak upon.
>>> I'd like to start a "wildfly-9" branch of Keycloak that uses feature-packs
>>> and WildFly's built in mechanism to create the appliance distro. This
>>> would replace our current custom appliance-dist.
>> I'm already working on this and I've found out that we're just a little
>> bit early.  See
>> http://wildfly-development.1055759.n5.nabble.com/Creating-a-Keycloak-Feature-Pack-td5714921.html
> Great :)
> Are you providing this directly in Keycloak, or do you have it somewhere else?
The plan is to have it all live in the Keycloak project.  But perhaps we 
should talk about whether or not it makes sense as a Keycloak subproject 
or as just a Maven submodule.

The Keycloak Feature Pack definitely will not live in WildFly. WildFly 
itself is breaking up into more and more subprojects.
>> We need Stuart to implement a feature to solve issue #2 and I'm working
>> on issue #3 right now so that we can properly install the auth server in
>> a domain environment.
>>> Further I'd like us to have two flavours of Keycloak:
>>> * "appliance-lite": minimum Keycloak server only dist. For those that want
>>> a standalone Keycloak server. Builds on WildFly "web-lite" dist, but we
>>> need to add Hibernate, RestEasy and Connectors (datasources) as well
>>> * "appliance": full WildFly dist. For those that want to co-locate their
>>> JavaEE apps with the Keycloak server. Builds on the full WildFly dist.
>> We need to think long and hard about this one.  Do we really want two
>> appliance downloads?
> I think we'll want to at least have a standalone Keycloak server. However, only having that will make it harder for developers and also for anyone that wants to try our examples.
What are you thinking of that will be harder if we only have one appliance?
>> The answer might come when the WildFly provisioning tool is finished.
>> This is a tool that lets you "roll your own" server.  So it's possible
>> that we rely on that.   One option might be that we let you download
>> "appliance-lite" and then you use the provisioning tool to add other
>> things you might want.
>>> I've already tried to run Keycloak on WildFly 9.0.0.alpha1 web-lite and it
>>> works fine. Only thing I had to do was to include RestEasy and Hibernate
>>> jars in auth-server.war and configure the database directly in
>>> keycloak-server.json instead of using a datasource.
>> Right now it won't run on the web profile.  I've submitted a patch to
>> WildFly, so that should be fixed in the next release.
> What doesn't work? It seemed to work fine for me.
I thought my patch didn't make it into the release.  I was wrong. False 
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