[keycloak-dev] Build on top of Vert.x?

Alain Penders alain at rexorient.com
Thu Jan 8 13:02:15 EST 2015

I, for one, would enjoy seeing Keycloak running on Vert.x.  I moved my
application from WildFly to Vert.x, and now the only reason I'm still
running WildFly is Keycloak.

I started working on a full Vert.x Adapter, but eventually decided it was
easier to just stick to plain bearer auth.  (Also because my front-end is
GWT + keycloak.js.)

Also, any recommendations for securing websockets?  I use the browser-side
EventBus in Vert.x, which uses websockets to exchange messages with the
server.  Since I want to be able to pass the accessToken to various Vert.x
services, it needs to remain uptodate and not be the one used to establish
the connection.  I implemented a basic system to handle this in Vert.x, but
I assume the same issue would exist for anyone using WebSockets to connect
to WildFly.


On Thu, Jan 8, 2015 at 1:33 AM, Stian Thorgersen <stian at redhat.com> wrote:

> Interesting idea, especially with regards to providers. In general we
> really do need to improve on how providers are written and configured.
> We shouldn't forget about JEE either though. JEE has a lot to offer
> application developers that Vert.x doesn't.
> Not convinced we should rewrite Keycloak to run on Vert.x. Instead I'd say
> we should provide hooks into Vert.x and other containers (JEE) to allow
> users to write providers in whatever they want.
> The #1 thing to think about for Keycloak 2.0 IMO is customization. What
> parts should be customizable and how do we best allow users to do that?
> ----- Original Message -----
> > From: "Bill Burke" <bburke at redhat.com>
> > To: keycloak-dev at lists.jboss.org
> > Sent: Thursday, 8 January, 2015 1:44:01 AM
> > Subject: [keycloak-dev] Build on top of Vert.x?
> >
> > Don't care that much at all about AIO, but what is compelling to me
> > about Vert.x is that it is a polyglot platform.  If our SPIs could be
> > written in any language and deployed easily this would be a huge win and
> > could potential bring together very diverse communities (node.js and
> > linux-python-admins).
> >
> > Something to think about for Keycloak 2.0.
> >
> > Bill
> >
> > --
> > Bill Burke
> > JBoss, a division of Red Hat
> > http://bill.burkecentral.com
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