[keycloak-dev] Changing database for maintaining user history

Prakhash siva prakhashsiva21 at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 12:51:37 EDT 2015

I'll try it with the Mongo. I'll contact you if there is any trouble.
please be with me until I catch the correct path to move through.
then I can keep going


On Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 5:52 PM, Stan Silvert <ssilvert at redhat.com> wrote:

>  On 3/23/2015 3:27 AM, Marek Posolda wrote:
> Hi,
> the database is re-created after each start just if you're using in-memory
> H2 database. This is the case by default if you're using KeycloakServer
> from testsuite for development. You can change it to use either File-based
> H2 (this is used by keycloak-appliance distribution by default) or point to
> some other DB like MySQL for example.
> To change this, you just need to add few system properties when running
> server. See this file for details of what needs to be changed:
> https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/blob/master/testsuite/integration/src/main/resources/META-INF/keycloak-server.json
> I am personally usually using mongo for development with KeycloakServer.
> Data are persistent among server restarts, so DB doesn't need to be
> initialized after restart and server startup usually takes about 2 seconds
> on my laptop.
> I'm doing the same thing with the file persistence.  The file is written
> to the /target directory.  After a test, it should be about 17K if it was
> cleaned up properly.  If not, you immediately know something went wrong
> with the test.
> Marek
> On 22.3.2015 14:27, Prakhash siva wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a issue related to how the KC database works. According to my
> understanding it is a sqlite kind of database and whenever I run the server
> it get initiates. so when logging the events with the purpose of detecting
> intrusions is it 100% possible to use the inbuilt database of  KC.
>  for example If I'm going to maintain a history for a specific client to
> identify his activities it can't be locally tested. So its trivial that I
> need to change the database. So I need to get to know if I change the
> database to mongo will the same re initialization process will happen? and
> where I need to work for this
>  Thanks
>  --
>  *Sivakumar Prakhash*
> *Undergraduate*
> *Computer Science & Engineering*
> *University of Moratuwa.*
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*Sivakumar Prakhash*
*Computer Science & Engineering*
*University of Moratuwa.*
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