[keycloak-user] Login on behalf

Michael Hunziker michael.hunziker at youengineering.com
Tue Jan 23 02:45:05 EST 2018


I'm struggling with the following problem:

I am developing two apps (an iOS phone app for teachers and a web app for
students running on tablets).

Obviously the teacher (role TEACHER) is the master. I don't want the
students (role STUDENT) to login on their tablets, the teacher should login
on the tablet "as" the student.

Here's what I came up with so far:
- realm role "TEACHER"
- user "testTeacher" with realm role "TEACHER"
- client "teacher-ios-app"
- client "student-web-app"

I'm not sure how to handle the students. In one way they are "users" but
they are not really allowed to login themselves on their devices, only a
teacher should be allowed to do this.

Have you ever done something like this?

Cheers Michael

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