[keycloak-user] Validate User Credentials Without Creating a Session

Scott Finlay scott.finlay at sixt.com
Tue Jan 23 03:49:01 EST 2018


We're currently using Keycloak 2.5.5.Final, and in this version it's not possible

to validate a user's credentials (username / password combination) without

actually logging the user in which results in a session (and our sessions are long-

lived). Is there any new functionality introduced in the later versions of  Keycloak

to validate the credentials without actually logging the user in?

Our use-case is that we have very long-lived tokens, but we want to require the

user to re-enter his/her password in order to perform some certain sensitive tasks

such as changing the password or username.

If such functionality  is not available, would it be possible to add this?



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