[keycloak-user] Add optional LDAP userPassword hashing

BOUVIER Jean-Damien Jean-Damien.BOUVIER at calvados.fr
Wed Jan 30 06:50:45 EST 2019

Hi all !

My problem is described in the KEYCLOAK-4989 issue, titled < add optional LDAP userPassword hashing >

I'm in the worst case scenario as I use OpenLDAP that doesn't hash password by default and the way it has been installed, I don't have the < ppolicy overlay > available.
So Keycloak sends password in clear text and I thought that I could add specific OpenLDAP configuration to hash the password before.
The LDAP administration has already some specific configuration for AD and I thought that I could start from here. (org.keycloak.storage.ldap.mappers.msad. MSADUserAccountControlStorageMapperFactory for example)

So, I've written my own StorageMapperFactory :

public class OpenLDAPUserAccountControlStorageMapperFactory implements LDAPStorageMapperFactory<LDAPStorageMapper>

That needs these dependencies :


But whenever I try to deploy the jar, I get :

cat hash-password-openldap-provider.jar.failed
{"WFLYCTL0080: Failed services" => {"jboss.deployment.unit.\"hash-password-openldap-provider.jar\".POST_MODULE" => "WFLYSRV0153: Failed to process phase POST_MODULE of deployment \"hash-password-openldap-provider.jar\"
    Caused by: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Failed to link fr/calvados/keycloak/storage/ldap/mappers/openldap/OpenLDAPUserAccountControlStorageMapperFactory (Module \"deployment.hash-password-openldap-provider.jar\" from Service Module Loader): org/keycloak/storage/ldap/mappers/LDAPStorageMapperFactory"}}

I probably lack one dependence but I can't find which one as the error message doesn't give a clue and my maven project compiles.

Could you help me to find out what is wrong ?

Jean-Damien Bouvier

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