[keycloak-user] Upgrading cross-datacenter replication installation with independent domain controller

Juan Antonio Farre Basurte jafarre at viewnext.com
Wed Nov 6 07:18:36 EST 2019


I have the following installation and have doubts about the right 
procedure to upgrade it:

- Two datacenters
- Keycloak 4.8.3
- A domain clustered installation with one cluster per datacenter
- Cross-datacenter replication using infinispan server 9.3.6.
- A single independent domain controller for both datacenters (the domain 
controller has no servers)
- A backup for the domain controller in the other datacenter (also with no 

The domain controller:
Installed in $KEYCLOAK_HOME/domain-controller
Domain configuration in configuration/domain.xml
Host configuration in configuration/host-master.xml

The domain controller backup:
Installed in $KEYCLOAK_HOME/domain-controller
Domain configuration replicated with the --backup option
Host configuration in configuration/host-slave.xml

Each server in each cluster:
Installed in $KEYCLOAK_HOME/domain
Domain configuration replicated with the --cached-dc option
Host configuration in configuration/host-slave.xml

The infinispan server installation is totally equivalent, with its own 
domain controller.

I've been taking a look to the migrate-domain-clustered.cli and several 
doubts arise:
- Should I apply this script only to the domain controller as domain 
configuration will be distributed to the other host controllers? Or 
accions are also needed for each slave instance? (Perhaps the script can 
perform changes to the host-slave.xml files?)
- The script seems to assume the installation is located at 
$KEYCLOAK_HOME/domain. What is the right way to change it to 
- The script seems to assume that the host configuration is in the 
host.xml file. What is the right way to change it to host-master.xml?
- The script needs the location of the file keycloak-server.json, but my 
installation has no such file. Is this file something present in older 
versions only? Can I ignore it?

Thank you very much in advance,

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