[keycloak-user] keycloak login page toggle

Cédric Couralet cedric at couralet.eu
Thu Nov 14 08:27:17 EST 2019

I don't think you can select the user storage provider at login, even with custom extensions, but maybe wait for more competent answers.

Here's how I would do it, which is not really a recommendation.

You could do it with 3 realms : 
 - one with user federation on ldap
 - one with user federation on AD
 - one with 2 identity provider on the 2 other realms

User log into the 3rd realm and the switch allows you to choose either the first or the second realm.
You will need to change the login theme for the second realm to add the switch and redirect towards the correct idp.

Le Jeudi, Novembre 14, 2019 10:36 CET, "Kannan, Vidhya (CMS)" <vidhya.kannan at hpe.com> a écrit: 
> Keycloak friends.....
> Any directions will help.
> Regards,
> Vidhya
> From: Kannan, Vidhya (CMS)
> Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2019 2:46 PM
> To: keycloak-user at lists.jboss.org
> Cc: Tomlinson, Tracey <tracey.ann.tomlinson at hpe.com>
> Subject: keycloak login page toggle
> Hello:
> I have a requirement for a toggle in the login page, between 2 categories
> If user chooses category 1, ldap should be used for auth,
> If user chooses category 2, AD should be used for auth.
> Finally to be redirected to the same client application.
> Is it possible with keycloak? Does it require development?
> Any directions will help.
> I don't find info in keycloak documentation.
> Thanks in advance.
> Vidhya
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