[keycloak-user] Automating user federation config on startup

Gary Kennedy gary at apnic.net
Mon Sep 2 23:34:17 EDT 2019

I'm still interested in any replies/comments from others.

I have discovered the setup/config I need in the `COMPONENT` and `COMPONENT_CONFIG` tables so I will merely adjust this data as part of the database setup; and my goals are met :)


> On 3 Sep 2019, at 9:07 am, Gary Kennedy <gary at apnic.net> wrote:
> Just about to dive into this, but wondering if anyone can share any information they have to save me some time/effort?
> I'm looking to setup an isolated review instance of keycloak via automated build pipelines with isolated support dependencies (ldap, db, etc). The ldap, and db, host names are dynamic. Pointing to the database is easy (thanks to the environment variable support), however I don't know how (or if) it can be done for the user federation setup/config. I'm guessing/hoping I can use the subsystem cli config on startup, but that idea may just be showing my ignorance.
> Has anyone done/tried this before and can share their experiences please?
> Cheers,
> Gary
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