[keycloak-user] IDENTITY and SESSION cookie not getting set (KEYCLOAK-8137)

Boris Matthys boris.matthys at tvh.com
Thu Sep 5 11:38:18 EDT 2019

we have a use-case for the KeycloakInstalled adapter, but this does not
work as expected; after login in the desktop application, there is no SSO
to the web-applications.

I have traced this to an open issue created for keycloak 4.x:
and a closed pull request https://github.com/keycloak/keycloak/pull/5607

I'm using keycloak version 6.0.1, here is a procedure to reproduce this

   - use
   to login to keycloak
   - do not close the browser and open /auth/realms/demo/account/ in a new

I expect that the account page opens without login, but this is not the
case, keycloak present the login page.

Is there a reason that the pull request was closed without merging it?
There is a comment "my vote is to postpone this and merge it in early 5.x,
so we have time to fix potential regressions/side-effects in 5.x " and "we
need to understand this a bit better", but no explanation why the cookies
are (should be) removed by the delegate page.

If this cannot be solved, we'll need a workaround.
I'm thinking in the direction of creating our own version of the
KeycloakInstalled adapter and use a simple "login web-application" in front
of keycloak...
Is this a good approach or are there better ways to accomplish this?

Kind regards



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