[keycloak-user] Metrics Endpoint Memory Leak

Daniel.Meyerholt at eventim.de Daniel.Meyerholt at eventim.de
Fri Sep 6 02:56:39 EDT 2019

Hi guys,
can somebody of you share some insights regarding memory leaks when scraping the /metrics endpoint on keycloak? A Jira Ticket already exists https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-10880 for some time but there seems to be no progress. As far as I can tell it seems to be related to internal keycloak/wildfly service integration and is not related to jdk versions/variants or means of deployment (bare,vm,container).
We'd love to use the new endpoints in order to integrate them in our Grafana dashboards and are happy to provide more information. Apparently 7.0.0 is also affected. To reproduce the behaviour just issue a ton of GETs on the metrics endpoint. The more you GET the faster it dies.

Thank you for any hints

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