[keycloak-user] OpenID Connect Dynamic Client Registration - Grant Types

Buddhika Karunatilleke lakshan125 at gmail.com
Thu Sep 19 05:57:37 EDT 2019

Hi all,

I'm using the dynamic client registration endpoint with openid-connect
built-in provider. However, when I'm creating a client by selecting only
"client-credentials" grant type, Keycloak creates the client with both
"authorization-code" and "client-credentials" grant types.

*Request: *
curl -H"Authorization: Bearer XXX '
https://XXX.com/auth/realms/Test/clients-registrations/openid-connect'  -d
'{ "clientId": "test-client-1", "grant_types":[*"client_credentials"*] }' -v

*Grant types in the response from Keycloak:*

Can someone help me understand as to why Keycloak adds the
"authorization-code" grant type in addition to the provided grant type
which is "client-credentials"?

Thanks and regards,

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