[resteasy-dev] RESTEASY-1480 - JDK9 build issues

Alessio Soldano asoldano at redhat.com
Thu Sep 1 05:46:52 EDT 2016


Antoine created https://issues.jboss.org/browse/RESTEASY-1480 yesterday 
and is trying providing a PR for fixing it. I'd like to raise the topic 
here as the proposed fix would come with potential migration problems 
(judging from the changes, a lot of user would have to fix their apps 
when upgrading to new resteasy version). Any thoughts on this?

How about we drop the async-http-servlet-3.0 module and move its few 
classes into resteasy-jaxrs module instead? That would prevent the 
package rename. Ron, Weinan, do you see any drawbacks in that 
considering the reasons that led to creating a different module in the past?



Alessio Soldano
Web Service Lead, JBoss

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