[resteasy-dev] Microprofile OpenTracing integration for WF Swarm

Pavol Loffay ploffay at redhat.com
Tue Nov 21 11:22:42 EST 2017


I am looking at microprofile-opentracing integration for Wildfly Swarm.
Briefly, it is a distributed tracing for JAX-RS both server and client.

Issue [1] describes what is necessary. But I will repeat here:

1. register server jax-rs filters (no problem, server features are
2. use servlet filter to finish the span and log any exception to the span
- because jax-rs filters do not capture exceptions

1. register tracing filters
2. use OpenTracing-aware ExecutorService - it's needed for async API to
correctly propagate parent.
(3.) TCK is not defined yet. However, if they want to create spans for
UnknownHostException then we cannot use jax-rs client filters because they
are not executed. Network attempt happens before the filter when the
exception is thrown. To solve this we have to implement tracing in
resteasy or supply apache HC with tracing filters enabled (it also has some

The biggest issue is with client because we need
`ClientBuilder.newBuilder()` to return client/builder with enabled tracing.

[1] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWARM-1691



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