[richfaces-dev] Public Jenkins view

Pavol Pitoňák ppitonak at redhat.com
Thu Oct 17 06:21:02 EDT 2013


I want to make RichFaces view on our public Jenkins useful for QE, developers and community members. In order to accomplish that, we need to minimize the number of jobs that are listed and also make sure that their names describe them. You can see more detailed description of a job when you open it.

This is my proposal:

following jobs build RF 4.3 git repositories and deploy snapshots to public Maven repository
* richfaces-4.3-archetypes
* richfaces-4.3-build
* richfaces-4.3-components
* richfaces-4.3-core
* richfaces-4.3-dev-examples
* richfaces-4.3-showcase

this matrix job builds whole RichFaces 4.3 and runs unit tests with various JSF implementations (latest Mojarra, latest MyFaces and Mojarra from JBoss AS 7), I propose to use prefix richfaces-4.3
* richfaces-4.x-all

these two jobs build richfaces-qa repository and deploy snapshots to private Maven repository, please help me find better names for these two
* richfaces-4.3-tests
* richfaces-5.0-tests

this job builds whole RichFaces 5 git repository, runs unit tests, runs selected functional tests marked as smoke tests in JBoss AS 7 in PhantomJS, it publishes documentation generated from code and deploys Showcase to OpenShift (broken at the moment)
* richfaces-5.0

these jobs build RF 5 git repositories and deploy snapshots to public Maven repository
* richfaces-5.0-archetypes
* richfaces-5.0-sandbox

this job runs all RF 5 functional tests in JBoss AS 7 and Firefox, I propose to to rename it to richfaces-5.0-ftest-firefox
* richfaces-5.0-firefox

this job builds latest CDK and deploys it to the public Maven repository, I propose to add change prefix to richfaces-4.5
* richfaces-cdk

this job builds RF 5 documentation (Developer Guide and Component Reference) and publishes it, I propose to change prefix to richfaces-5.0
* richfaces-docs

This is minimal set of Jenkins jobs that we should monitor on daily basis and they should always pass (they should be blue). 

Thanks for your feedback.


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