[rules-users] Rules for Hierarchical Type Calculation Formulas

Anstis, Michael (M.) manstis1 at ford.com
Fri Nov 9 04:14:19 EST 2007

Are the parameters for the calculations hierarchical in your model or are
there just many components to each equation? For example:-
Rule "Total Resource"
$s : Student( $e : employmentEarnings, $ss : scholarships, $a : assets)
insert(new TotalResource($s, $e + $ss + $a);
Rule "Child Care Expenses"
$s : Student( $nc : numberOfChildren, $pca : perChildAmount)
insert(new ChildCareExpenses($s, $nc * $pca);
Rule "Total Need"
$s : Student( $t : tuition, $la : LivingAllowance, $cce : childCareExpenses)
ChildCareExpenses(student == $s, $cce : amount)
insert(new TotalNeed($s, $t + $la + $cce);
Rule "Total Eligible Loan Amount"
$s : Student($maa : maxAllowedAmount)
TotalNeed( student == $s, $n : amount)
TotalResource( student == $s, $r : amount)
insert(new TotalEligibleLoanAmount(Math.min($n - $r, $maa));
Possible? Yes. Performant? Performance depends upon many factors (number of
students, hardware, subjective definition of performant); but there have
been many postings suggesting Drools is as quick, if not quicker than other
commercial engines.
There are plenty of ways to skin an apple.
With kind regards,


From: rules-users-bounces at lists.jboss.org
[mailto:rules-users-bounces at lists.jboss.org] On Behalf Of Don Cameron
Sent: 08 November 2007 23:28
To: rules-users at lists.jboss.org
Subject: [rules-users] Rules for Hierarchical Type Calculation Formulas

We have been using a custom rules engine successfully for our 1000+

rules for our student loans application, but these rules are decision

based types rules (if then else).


For assessing loan amounts for our student loan application, we have

over 400+ calculation formulas plus decision logic.  These formulas are

mostly simple:


TotalEligilbleLoanAmount = Min(TotalNeed - TotalResource,


      TotalNeed = Tuition + LivingAllowance + ChildCareExpenses

            ChildCareExpenses = NumberOfChildren * PerChildAmount

      TotalResource = EmploymentEarnings + Scholarships + Assets


(however there are 400+ formulas and the hierarchy gets up to 20 deep)


Is it possible to implement something like this in Drools? Will it be

maintainable and performant?






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