[rules-users] Memory Control

Wolfgang Laun wolfgang.laun at gmail.com
Fri May 25 14:13:46 EDT 2012

If there is a perfomance degradation after 300/500K facts inserted,
processed and retracted, this is (IIRC) a problem not yet reported.
Anyway, a look at GC might shed some light on the problem. Make sure,
the Jave application doesn't keep references to inhibit memory reuse.
Also, make sure your system has *real* memory, and it's not paging
that slows you down.


On 25/05/2012, Kang Heng WU <khwu at astri.org> wrote:
> No. We do not keep the 300K and 500K facts or events in the working
> memory. We use retract to remove the fact and events, or we set the
> expire value in events. 300K is the total number of the handled message.
> OK. We will take a look at GC(garbage collection) frequency. How can we
> solve the GC frequency in JBoss Expert or Fusion? Should we set the GC
> frequency in Java or JBoss?
> Thanks,
> Kent
> -----Original Message-----
> From: rules-users-bounces at lists.jboss.org
> [mailto:rules-users-bounces at lists.jboss.org] On Behalf Of Wolfgang Laun
> Sent: Friday, May 25, 2012 3:36 PM
> To: Rules Users List
> Subject: Re: [rules-users] Memory Control
> Experet and Fusion are the same Engine. The difference you are
> reporting is bound to be due to different Event types and different
> rules.
> There are several possibilities why things slow down. Have you
> analysed your application's behaviour using the usual monitors, e.g.,
> to learn about GC frequency?
> Do you need to keep 300K or 500K facts in WM?
> -W
> On 25/05/2012, Kang Heng WU <khwu at astri.org> wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> The performance of JBoss Expert and Fusion is fine. The throughput of
>> JBoss Expert and Fusion is about 9900 and 4500 messages per second.
> But
>> we meet the following problems.
>> When the number of handled messages is about 500,000, the performance
> of
>> Expert is very slow. Its memory is about 300 Mbyte.
>> When the number of handled messages is about 300,000, the performance
> of
>> Fusion is very slow. Its memory is about 300 Mbyte.
>> What is the problem? How can we solve it?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> Kent
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