[seam-dev] Re: Form, Input Elements and SeamText

Ilya Shaikovsky ishaikovsky at exadel.com
Fri Oct 3 08:33:28 EDT 2008

Hi Christian,

One more case question. If you've looked through initial Editor RS doc - 
you could see that we defined seamText converter creation instead of 
client-side plugin development. So nothing changed on client side (tiny 
generates just the same html and it's converted on server side) And 
we've found next general problem:

html allows us to use next code

/<h1>header 1<h1>
<h2>header 2<h2>/

but next code

/+header 1
++header 2 /

not valid for seam text (there should be some text after each header to 
make it valid). I'm sure we could find more such usage restrictions. 
User will not understand why his text looks fine and valid in wysiwyg 
editor but throws validation message after submit.

According to this we could:

1) Refuse converters usage and write client side plugin as for BBCode 
exist. But this work estimated as much more difficult and has another 
problems and questions on client side. And more important - the problem 
remains and we'll also have to write some stubs for such cases. But in 
this case script will handle such cases and not allow to submit 
incorrect text.

2) Use converter as designed and use your jira in order to get such 
cases fixed. But this causes editor to be fully compatible only with 
latest seam version.

3) Use converter as designed but workaround such cases (for the 
particular case insert empty spans after headers). We also not sure if 
this looks a good way..

How about your opinion on this?


Christian Bauer ?????:
> On Oct 02, 2008, at 19:50 , Nick Belaevski wrote:
>> Pressing "Submit!" command button will submit form to jboss.org 
>> instead of
>> the application host, so one can potentially spy other users.
> http://fisheye.jboss.com/changelog/Seam?cs=9179

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