[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBESB-695) ESBActionHandler needs to refactored to allow for async calls
by Burr Sutter (JIRA)
ESBActionHandler needs to refactored to allow for async calls
Key: JBESB-695
URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBESB-695
Project: JBoss ESB
Issue Type: Task
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Components: BPM
Affects Versions: 4.2 Milestone Release 2
Reporter: Burr Sutter
Assigned To: Mark Little
Fix For: 4.2
>From Jeff Delong, this feedback is based on the quickstarts as well as a flaw in the ESBActionHandler
If the ActionHandler does the work of the node (i.e., it invokes the service that does the work of the node), then it should be configured on an action of that node, not on an event. Events are for performing actions that are ancillary to the node, not it's main purpose.
Now this raises and issue with the current design of the ESBActionHander. If the service at the node executes asynchronously, then the ESBActionHandler should not signal; instead the service should signal back through the ESB SignalAction. However, if the service should execute synchronously, then the ESBAcionHandler should propogate the token (i.e., do token.signal()).
I.e., modify the following code in ESBActionHandler
if (null==millisToWaitForResponse || millisToWaitForResponse < 1)
{ // ASYNC
Invoker.invoke(request,esbCategoryName, esbServiceName);
Message response = null;
if ("MOCK_CATEGORY".equals(esbCategoryName)
&& "MOCK_SERVICE".equals(esbServiceName))
response = request;
Invoker.invokeAndAwaitResponse (request,esbCategoryName, esbServiceName, millisToWaitForResponse);
if (null!=response)
token.signal(); // this is required since the response is sync
Putting the ESBActionHandler on the node-enter, the token will always go on to the next node; since there is no action configured on the node, it moves on by default. Thus the current code will work for sync when configured on a node-enter event, but not work for async on a node-enter event. The current code will NOT work for sync when moved to a node action, but will work for async.
In order to make both async and sync work, but the ESBActionHandler on a node action, and add token.signal() to the synch logic.
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17 years, 7 months
[JBoss JIRA] Created: (JBESB-623) Bring Hudson CI builds inline with current CI builds
by Kevin Conner (JIRA)
Bring Hudson CI builds inline with current CI builds
Key: JBESB-623
URL: http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBESB-623
Project: JBoss ESB
Issue Type: Task
Security Level: Public (Everyone can see)
Components: Testing
Reporter: Kevin Conner
Assigned To: Prabhat Jha
The CI build has beem migrated to Hudson but there are a number of outstanding issued to be addressed before it will replace the current CI builds in Newcastle.
Current issues are as follows
- Hudson should start a build as soon as possible after modifications have been made to the repository.
At present the Newcastle CI build checks every 15 mins for modifications, initiating a build when the
repository has been updated
- Emails should be sent on every build, whether successful or not and contain the following information
List of modifications identified
Contents of Emma coverage reports
- Hudson builds must be reliable.
One issue identified so far is a transient clash on port 8888.
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17 years, 7 months