http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBESB-939?page=comments#action_12375291 ]
Kevin Conner commented on JBESB-939:
The ReleaseNotes document now refers to a text file on the download page for the list of
issues and no longer includes them.
The generated release notes are as follows:
Release Notes for JBoss ESB
Includes versions: 4.2
** Feature Request
* [ JBESB-177 ] Add SQLListener to the Trailblazer demo
* [ JBESB-182 ] Web Services support
* [ JBESB-183 ] JCA support
* [ JBESB-198 ] RMI interface for persistence store service
* [ JBESB-229 ] Add "Update" capability on all Admin Console wizards.
* [ JBESB-239 ] tools module
* [ JBESB-374 ] Getting Started Project Template for Eclipse/Ant
* [ JBESB-415 ] JCA container support.
* [ JBESB-429 ] Clustering: load balancing
* [ JBESB-430 ] Clustering: fail-over
* [ JBESB-431 ] Hot redeployment
* [ JBESB-434 ] Hibernate listener
* [ JBESB-462 ] Oracle AQ JMS Provider
* [ JBESB-505 ] Add external webservice invocation action
* [ JBESB-525 ] FTPGatewayListener: refactor extract rename functionality.
* [ JBESB-538 ] Add method to print entire message for debugging purposes in
SystemPrintln action
* [ JBESB-595 ] Easy proxy for Spring-POJO
* [ JBESB-597 ] Easy proxy for WS
* [ JBESB-639 ] Update "stub" so that it throws propagated faults as
* [ JBESB-684 ] Richer message structure/hierarchy
* [ JBESB-725 ] Create Scheduled Event Provider/Listener
* [ JBESB-741 ] Allow default message type to be overridden at runtime
* [ JBESB-742 ] Allow for different Message views of the payload at creation time
* [ JBESB-761 ] Add control message type
* [ JBESB-763 ] Add section on services within the programmer's guide
* [ JBESB-806 ] ServiceInvoker should ignore To field
* [ JBESB-813 ] Update the documentation to more clearly describe what we can and
can't do in terms of SOA for this release.
* [ JBESB-816 ] Clearly define Message in relationship to development approach
* [ JBESB-822 ] Change the <simple-schedule> "repeatCount" to be an
* [ JBESB-831 ] Add an application ability to remove messages from the RDLVR queue
* [ JBESB-859 ] Add Message best practices/hints-and-tips to the documentation
* [ JBESB-877 ] Streaming transformation?
** Bug
* [ JBESB-192 ] Listener implementations need to perform the payload to Message
wrapping, not the AbstractListener
* [ JBESB-268 ] Make the Gateway Controller's creation + initialisation an atomic
* [ JBESB-270 ] JMSQueueListener doesn't manage Thread creation for the
ActionProcessingPipeline i.e. can be flooded with messages
* [ JBESB-619 ] Catch NPE in header re-assembly
* [ JBESB-632 ] Util was masking errors during serialization/deserialization
* [ JBESB-641 ] ConnectionPools are not closed
* [ JBESB-642 ] JBossRulesRouter does not dispose of WorkingMemory
* [ JBESB-647 ] JAXRRegistryService doesn't unpack "cause" exception
after proxied invocation of Registry
* [ JBESB-650 ] Investigate why HTTPS isn't working for the SOAPClient
* [ JBESB-688 ] quickstart jbpm_simple1 remove or rename
* [ JBESB-694 ] ERROR [ClosedInterceptor] ClosedInterceptor.ClientConsumerDelegate
* [ JBESB-699 ] ConnectionManager interface should not be in internal package
* [ JBESB-705 ] deadletter quickstart modifications
* [ JBESB-709 ] jbpm CommandInterpreter action fails silently within doTheJob
* [ JBESB-710 ] remoting error messages when running bpm_orchestration2 as
* [ JBESB-721 ] Failure on redeployment of helloworld_hibernate_action
* [ JBESB-727 ] SOAPClient Action & .NET Endpoints
* [ JBESB-728 ] MessageFilter.process duplicates the code from
* [ JBESB-734 ] bpm-based quickstarts don't allow for a signal from jBPM 3.2.1
Admin Console
* [ JBESB-739 ] jboss-esb-console is registering over an existing MBean
* [ JBESB-743 ] ServiceInvoker ignores ReplyTo
* [ JBESB-747 ] Changed body contents is not propagated
* [ JBESB-749 ] Invalid events in bpm_orchestration1 and bpm_orchestration2 samples
* [ JBESB-750 ] Process definition for bpm_orchestration2 contains refernce to class
from bpm_orchestration1
* [ JBESB-752 ] Oracle create SQL should be updated
* [ JBESB-753 ] Add a Quickstart for NotifyFiles
* [ JBESB-755 ] Upgrade jboss-esb-console to seam 1.2
* [ JBESB-756 ] Contextualised information not being used in event driven gateways
* [ JBESB-766 ] JBossWS RequestHandlerImpl "create WSDL" method assumes the
invocation context is based on a Servlet context
* [ JBESB-774 ] helloworld_hibernate_action - ClassCastException
* [ JBESB-794 ] The getting started guide has spelling and minor grammar errors,
technical inaccuracies and is not self consistent.
* [ JBESB-797 ] Error in exception or triggering logic in
* [ JBESB-798 ] jBPM CommandInterpreter ignored ReplyTo rules
* [ JBESB-803 ] Incorrect spelling of classification in MessagePersister
* [ JBESB-809 ] Programmers Guide: Remove Old jboss-esb.xml action config syntax
(page 49)
* [ JBESB-811 ] SOAPClient doesn't map collections of data properly
* [ JBESB-821 ] remove IDE setup doc
* [ JBESB-824 ] Product build bug: leaves out the "scripts" folder when
producing jbossesb-rosetta.jar
* [ JBESB-830 ] DLQ is used in ServiceInvoker.deliverSync
* [ JBESB-833 ] Problems deploying to jboss-4.2.1.GA
* [ JBESB-835 ] Replace all relevant "null default" calls to
ListenerUtil.obtainAtt with calls to ConfigTree.getRequiredAttribute
* [ JBESB-839 ] The tests in services don't obey the same run rules as elsewhere
* [ JBESB-840 ] FTP Quickstart not deploying properly because it can't pick up
the ftp config from quickstart.properties
* [ JBESB-841 ] Make object path expressions consistent between jBPM, Rules and Soap
* [ JBESB-843 ] ftp-listener pollLatencySeconds property ignored
* [ JBESB-845 ] HSQLDB Problem when starting up second ESB instance
* [ JBESB-846 ] Exception when deploying to JBoss AS
* [ JBESB-847 ] Log warnings if actions or services are not unique
* [ JBESB-851 ] in .esb dependency problem
* [ JBESB-861 ] Race between jbossesb database and MessageStoreDatabaseInitializer
* [ JBESB-862 ] Message does not implement equals()
* [ JBESB-863 ] Exception creating connection on jbossesb.esb deployment
* [ JBESB-866 ] jUDDI retains invalid EPRs
* [ JBESB-874 ] install/build.xml no longer applies jaxb intros XSLT
* [ JBESB-876 ] ServiceInvoker changes To field
* [ JBESB-879 ] documentation: error in action processing pipeline
* [ JBESB-881 ] QSs are not running in Standalone mode
* [ JBESB-882 ] Quickstarts running standalone are running very slow
* [ JBESB-883 ] webservice_consumer1 QS does not run
* [ JBESB-884 ] webservice_consumer1 and webservice_consumer2 QSes fail to deliver
* [ JBESB-888 ] Multiple copies of antlr in trunk/product/lib/ext
* [ JBESB-891 ] jbpm.esb contains has incorrect jbpm-ds.xml
* [ JBESB-892 ] quickstart assert-ftp-config should fail if ftp configuration not
* [ JBESB-894 ] helloworld_file_notifier fails to deploy
* [ JBESB-897 ] custom_action config references non existent exception method
* [ JBESB-898 ] scripting_groovy QS contains duplicate action names
* [ JBESB-899 ] bpm_orchestration1 QS contains duplicate action names
* [ JBESB-900 ] bpm_orchestration1 QS contains invalid bpm mapping attributes
* [ JBESB-902 ] bpm_orchestration2 QS is missing script service1.groovy
* [ JBESB-903 ] bpm_orchestration2 QS message definitions need tidying up and fixing
* [ JBESB-906 ] StandAloneBootStrapper no longer logs "Listeners Ready"
* [ JBESB-914 ] Override the Quartz default config with an ESB local config
* [ JBESB-920 ] MessageFilter QuickStart fails deploying to ESB Server
* [ JBESB-921 ] Integration build running build.xml out of
* [ JBESB-922 ] MessageStore QS fails to compile
* [ JBESB-923 ] webservice_bpel should spit out the "assert-ejb3-available"
* [ JBESB-924 ] Helloworld_hibernate_action QS should fail to deploy to ESB console
* [ JBESB-925 ] Documentation for Monitoring console
* [ JBESB-927 ] management.esb in build/jbossesb-server-4MR3 doesn't build
* [ JBESB-929 ] Broken link in jbossesb.war
* [ JBESB-934 ] Build failures with SchedulingUnitTest
* [ JBESB-937 ] Need to remove management.war from jboss-esb-console XML files
* [ JBESB-938 ] jboss-esb-console application.xml out of date
* [ JBESB-942 ] deadletter QS does not terminate
* [ JBESB-944 ] ObjectMapper does not handle qualified property names.
* [ JBESB-949 ] Scheduled services do not initialise the correct context classloader
* [ JBESB-950 ] SmooksTransformerUnitTest generates errors indicating it should be an
integration test
* [ JBESB-953 ] quickstart base-build.xml contains relative path references.
* [ JBESB-957 ] Getting Started Guide references wrong AS release.
* [ JBESB-958 ] MessageBodyTypeNames does not include copyright statement
* [ JBESB-963 ] Wrong version of Smooks and Drools in Release Notes
* [ JBESB-964 ] QS properties refer to invalid persistence connection manager
* [ JBESB-965 ] Race condition in deadletter MyFailingAsyncAction and
* [ JBESB-966 ] Trailblazer compile issue
* [ JBESB-971 ] ESB Server deploys 2 copies of the jBPM Database structure
* [ JBESB-974 ] Illegal property name when using JBossMQ
* [ JBESB-975 ] Recipient_list QS throws exceptions when receive_destination target
* [ JBESB-976 ] Quickstart "helloworld_ftp_action" doesn't work when
running "standalone mode readonly configuration"
* [ JBESB-977 ] Problem deploying webservice_bpel
* [ JBESB-978 ] BeanConfigurator relies on jboss core property editors
* [ JBESB-979 ] Change helloworld_hibernate README to reflect .esb deployment
* [ JBESB-980 ] wiretap QS : Illegal property name "JMSXDeliveryCount"
* [ JBESB-981 ] ROOT.war/http://localhost:8080 link to "JBossESB Console"
is broken
* [ JBESB-982 ] Quickstart "helloworld_sql_action" readme provides no MySQL
setup support info
* [ JBESB-983 ] Quickstart "helloworld_sql_action" ant script assumes the
MySQL root password is blank
* [ JBESB-984 ] Groovy gateway QS is missing JBMQ definitions
* [ JBESB-988 ] Problem deploying dynamic_router QS
* [ JBESB-990 ] business_service QS contains duplicate action names
** Task
* [ JBESB-159 ] Refactor modules
* [ JBESB-164 ] Document and refactor command code
* [ JBESB-292 ] Add QA for new config
* [ JBESB-524 ] Transition readme.txt files on Quickstarts to a more visual depiction
of the quickstart use-case
* [ JBESB-526 ] Prune lib/ext
* [ JBESB-535 ] clarify issues with registry, EPRs and failures
* [ JBESB-552 ] Create documentation around ActiveBPEL integration
* [ JBESB-553 ] Create documentation around the SOAPProcessor action
* [ JBESB-554 ] Create documentation around the SOAPUIClient processor
* [ JBESB-555 ] Move the soapui-client srvice and SOAPUIClient action into the main
* [ JBESB-564 ] Update the wiki
* [ JBESB-565 ] Deprecate set/getContents
* [ JBESB-566 ] Typed objects from messages
* [ JBESB-571 ] Make sure we use the right versions of dependant components
* [ JBESB-572 ] Look at using the embedded ftp server for the QA tests
* [ JBESB-576 ] Hot redeployment documentation
* [ JBESB-581 ] Stateless EPR failover
* [ JBESB-587 ] Validate/Update transformation quickstarts after 0.8 to 0.9
* [ JBESB-598 ] Add a quickstart to demonstrate DeadLetterService
* [ JBESB-599 ] Add a quickstart to demonstrate MessageFilter
* [ JBESB-600 ] Add a quickstart to demonstrate MessageStore
* [ JBESB-606 ] Clean up transformation quickstarts
* [ JBESB-608 ] Add Hibernate Listener to documentation
* [ JBESB-610 ] Put emma coverage back in place for services
* [ JBESB-612 ] Put back null name in set/get body to be illegal
* [ JBESB-614 ] SmooksTransformer uses null names in processing body entries.
* [ JBESB-631 ] Util serialize/deserialize methods need to have richer exceptions
* [ JBESB-640 ] Fault as a separate message
* [ JBESB-653 ] Use jBPM 3.2.1 GA
* [ JBESB-669 ] Add monitoring for Rules and Transformations
* [ JBESB-673 ] Document the "jboss-esb" console (and come up with a better
* [ JBESB-674 ] Service name and Action name should be unique
* [ JBESB-675 ] Eliminate org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.message.Invoker
* [ JBESB-676 ] Replace manual service invocation with ServiceInvoker code
* [ JBESB-677 ] Make sure we use the EAP branch of AS 4.2 and not the community
* [ JBESB-678 ] Remove retry hard-coded magic number
* [ JBESB-679 ] ServiceInvoker shouldn't need synchronous/asynchronous option
* [ JBESB-680 ] ServiceInvoker doesn't inspect the header when deciding sync
versus async
* [ JBESB-681 ] Post JIRA to JBossWS re NPE issue with
* [ JBESB-683 ] ListenerUtil.obtainAtt has different interpretation of default value
for null
* [ JBESB-685 ] Change MessageRouter to support caching of the ServiceInvoker
* [ JBESB-693 ] Create a check-list of items for release process
* [ JBESB-695 ] ESBActionHandler needs to refactored to allow for async calls
* [ JBESB-698 ] Check necessary classes/interfaces are in internal
* [ JBESB-737 ] Remove dependency on external application server
* [ JBESB-738 ] Need a web interface that allows distributed monitoring and
* [ JBESB-744 ] Default ReplyTo should not be on CourierUtil
* [ JBESB-745 ] Move default EPR instances into internal package.
* [ JBESB-757 ] Remove mq Topic from registering in jboss-esb-console
* [ JBESB-759 ] Update scout jar to the current release candidate
* [ JBESB-760 ] Rewrite lifecycle identity association
* [ JBESB-762 ] Add payload type information to payload
* [ JBESB-767 ] Move ServiceInvoker
* [ JBESB-770 ] Make sure ServiceInvoker message does not break WS-A loose coupling
* [ JBESB-772 ] Change Fault implementation to use Body
* [ JBESB-778 ] quickstart more_action rename to custom_action
* [ JBESB-779 ] Remove deliverOne from ServiceInvoker
* [ JBESB-780 ] Remove more_action quickstart
* [ JBESB-784 ] Remove ServiceInvoker static method for getting the DLQ service.
* [ JBESB-787 ] Add documentation about using DLQ for faults in async case.
* [ JBESB-793 ] Check exceptions are propagated between endpoints
* [ JBESB-795 ] Investigate issue with webservice_consumer2 quickstart
* [ JBESB-796 ] Make sure ServiceInvoker is documented
* [ JBESB-818 ] Where does Body play in the user space?
* [ JBESB-828 ] product/services/jbossesb/src/test has esb.esb in package hierarchy
* [ JBESB-829 ] Add the original server-side exception to the returned Fault
* [ JBESB-838 ] MessageStore test should be renamed to either MessageStoreUnitTest,
MessageStoreFuncTest or MessageStoreIntegrationTest
* [ JBESB-842 ] Get rid of ListenerUtil.tryToDeliver
* [ JBESB-848 ] Configure sample-bindings.xml as part of installation process
* [ JBESB-850 ] Resolve the shutdown hook for JMS Session pooling cleanup with the
cleanup being done by the lifecycle code
* [ JBESB-854 ] Message Properties is not java.util.Properties
* [ JBESB-867 ] Configure jbossesb-server webservices as part of build
* [ JBESB-873 ] Revise the ServiceInvoker documentation within the ProgrammersGuide.
* [ JBESB-885 ] Remove ESB specific configuration from jbossesb-server-base.zip
* [ JBESB-887 ] Deprecate ListenerUtil.obtainAtt
* [ JBESB-889 ] Update ConfigEditor README file
* [ JBESB-893 ] helloworld_file_notifier pre filtered jboss-esb.xml called
jboss-esb.xml.template, make consistent with other quickstarts
* [ JBESB-895 ] helloworld_file_notifier includes jbossesb-gateway.xml and
* [ JBESB-896 ] Quickstarts still refer to ServiceInvoker.close()
* [ JBESB-908 ] collect.jsp COMMAND_MESSAGE name should be package scoped
* [ JBESB-911 ] Remove CommandBody
* [ JBESB-912 ] Remove CommandBody from documentation
* [ JBESB-913 ] Add a class (and associated documentation) that clearly defines the
reserved list of messages
* [ JBESB-915 ] Update JBoss Rules.
* [ JBESB-930 ] Remember to change version in root build.xml
* [ JBESB-931 ] Remove OperationsBody from code
* [ JBESB-935 ] clean up contract.war installation
* [ JBESB-936 ] Update docs
* [ JBESB-939 ] Generate Release Notes
* [ JBESB-940 ] Update JBoss Messaging version
* [ JBESB-945 ] Clarify stale EPRs in Release Notes
* [ JBESB-967 ] Some QS notifiers do not fire as they are misconfigured
* [ JBESB-968 ] native_client has duplicate actions names
* [ JBESB-969 ] Update release notes around JBM correlation bug
* [ JBESB-970 ] Update the product version in the build/quickstart scripts
* [ JBESB-985 ] The ws checking in install/build.xml and QS/conf/base-build.xml needs
to be stricter
* [ JBESB-991 ] Add PDF for MonitoringGuide
Generate Release Notes
Key: JBESB-939
Project: JBoss ESB
Issue Type: Task
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: Deployment
Affects Versions: 4.2 Milestone Release 3
Reporter: Mark Little
Assigned To: Kevin Conner
Priority: Blocker
Fix For: 4.2
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