Burr Sutter commented on JBESB-2084:
So, I've spent some more time testing this. I was also using groovy & other
dynamic languages at the same time and if you have a script error then that shows up in
the server console. In the case of a .drl or .xls error then you just receive the warning
due to a OneWay mep like below.
15:25:46,252 WARN [ActionProcessingPipeline] No fault address defined for fault
message! To: JMSEpr [ PortReference < <wsa:Address jms://
uickstart_Business_Rules_Request_ESB/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:java.n
aming.factory.initial : org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory/>,
I wasn't trying to test the "missing" .xls, I actually had that in the right
location in my version, I must have been half-way through changing that when I uploaded
the example. However, I know I had syntax type of errors in my .xls and I don't see
errors in the console nor server.log file. Upon further testing, the same is true of a
For instance, just take quickstart business_rules_service, modify the MyBusinessRules.drl
to include "STUFF HAPPENS" in an obviously bad place, redeploy and runtest. No
errors about the bogus syntax in the .drl. Perhaps this is a debug level logging issue
with IR5 and the default configuration.
In the case of business_rules_service with a bad MyBusinessRules.drl, I just receive the
following in the server.log
2008-10-01 15:41:08,994 INFO [STDOUT] { Updated customer status to 60}
2008-10-01 15:41:09,031 WARN
[org.jboss.soa.esb.listeners.message.ActionProcessingPipeline] No fault address defined
for fault message! To: JMSEpr [ PortReference < <wsa:Address
<wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:java.naming.factory.initial :
org.jnp.interfaces.NamingContextFactory/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties
jbossesb:java.naming.provider.url :>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties
jbossesb:java.naming.factory.url.pkgs : org.jnp.interfaces/>,
<wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:destination-type : queue/>,
<wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:specification-version : 1.1/>,
<wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:connection-factory : ConnectionFactory/>,
<wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:persistent : true/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties
jbossesb:acknowledge-mode : AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties
jbossesb:transacted : false/>, <wsa:ReferenceProperties jbossesb:type :
urn:jboss/esb/epr/type/jms/> > ] MessageID: 3c1ee0c6-f384-476f-ae19-59f565611022
RelatesTo: jms:correlationID#3c1ee0c6-f384-476f-ae19-59f565611022
Decision Tables fail silently using BusinessRuleProcessor
Key: JBESB-2084
Project: JBoss ESB
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: Rosetta
Affects Versions: 4.4
Reporter: Burr Sutter
Attachments: ABusiness_rules_service.zip
See attached example/quickstart. The following in the jboss-esb.xml
<property name="decisionTable"
value="decisionTables/Priority_Rules.xls" />
<property name="ruleReload" value="true" />
<property name="object-paths">
<object-path esb="body.orderHeader" />
<object-path esb="body.customer" />
Does nothing.
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