David Ward reassigned JBESB-2882:
Assignee: David Ward
Add support for fireUntilHalt to BusinessRulesProcessor
Key: JBESB-2882
Project: JBoss ESB
Issue Type: Feature Request
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Affects Versions: 4.6
Reporter: Jeff DeLong
Assignee: David Ward
Fix For: 4.9
To better support CEP, an ESB Rule Service should be able to create the KnowledgeBase,
StatefulKnowledgeSession, etc, and then execute fireUntilHalt. This will cause the thread
to block, and the rules engine will continue to process (in a separate thread). Either the
same ESB Service, or different service with access to the StatefulKnowledgeSession, can
then receive messages / events and insert them into the StatefulKnowledgeSession.
FireUntil Halt provides two important benefits to a CEP application. First it provides
more timely rules firing. Even more important, it support the case where the absence of
incoming events should cause rules to fire.
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