http://jira.jboss.com/jira/browse/JBESB-530?page=comments#action_12360685 ]
Daniel Bevenius commented on JBESB-530:
The two files containing the jms queue destinations have been moved to the quickstarts
conf directory. These files can be deployed and undeployed by running 'ant
deploy-jms-dests' and 'ant undeploy-jms-dests'.
The target 'ant help-quickstars' prints a description of how to use the
quickstart, like things to do before running.
I was going to update the GettingStarted.pdf but wanted to wait for some feedback.
Please let me know if there is anything information that I can assist with.
GettingStarted.pdf should be updated with service information
Key: JBESB-530
Project: JBoss ESB
Issue Type: Task
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: Documentation
Affects Versions: 4.2 Milestone Release 1, 4.2 Milestone Release 2
Environment: Mac OS X 10.4.9, java 1.5.0_07
Reporter: Tom Cunningham
Assigned To: Tom Cunningham
Priority: Blocker
Fix For: 4.2 Milestone Release 2
The GettingStarted.pdf information on how to get the Hello World QuickStart working seems
Step 1 says "Copy samples/quickstarts/esb-quickstart-service.xml to your JBoss
application server".
In MR1, there isn't a esb-quickstart-service.xml, we have two service xml's, one
for jboss-messaging and another for jboss-mq. There are:
There probably should be another step in there which explains how to install the
jboss-messaging stuff if they want to use the esb-quickstart-jbm-service.xml xml.
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