Kevin Conner closed JBESB-1057.
Resolution: Duplicate Issue
Deployment descriptors are not copied to management.esb
Key: JBESB-1057
Project: JBoss ESB
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: Tooling
Affects Versions: 4.2.1 IR1
Environment: Sun JVM, ant 1.6.5
Reporter: Martin Vecera
Assigned To: Mark Little
Deployment descriptors (product/tools/console/management-esb/{jboss-esb.xml,
jboss-service.xml, deployment.xml}) are not copied to management.esb because
product/tools/console/management-esb/build.xml is being ran with wrong ${basedir} from
product/tools/console/build.xml. I would suggest replace the line 216 in
product/tools/console/build.xml to be like:
<ant dir="${console.dir}/management-esb/"
antfile="${console.dir}/management-esb/build.xml" target="esb">
This corrects the problem.
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