Kevin Conner commented on JBESB-1553:
We need to cater for both options, xsi:nil and not specifying the element.
SOAPClient action remappes objects with null strings to empty
Key: JBESB-1553
Project: JBoss ESB
Issue Type: Bug
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: Web Services
Affects Versions: 4.2.1 CP1
Reporter: Jiri Pechanec
Assignee: Tom Fennelly
Fix For: 4.9
Attachments: LineItem.java, Order.java, wsc2.tgz
Use webservice_consumer2 quickstart and use the attached files - contains enhanced equals
and toString defintions. Make sure that option1 is used.
The object with following contents is sent to processing to ivoke web service
id = 101 lineItems = [Line Item ID= 1 Price=10.0 Ship To=aname, Line Item ID= 2
Price=20.0 Ship To=aname2] shipTo = null
But in the web service processing method the contents is
id = 101 lineItems = [Line Item ID= 1 Price=10.0 Ship To=aname, Line Item ID= 2
Price=20.0 Ship To=aname2] shipTo =
The difference is in shipTo property which was set tu null on the input but comes to web
service as empty string.
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