Kevin Conner updated JBESB-3022:
Issue Type: Feature Request (was: Bug)
It is not possible to use different credentials on the input of the
service and on the SOAPProxy that invokes the proxied service
Key: JBESB-3022
Project: JBoss ESB
Issue Type: Feature Request
Security Level: Public(Everyone can see)
Components: Web Services
Affects Versions: 4.7
Reporter: Jiri Pechanec
Attachments: soapproxy-diffauth.zip
There is a use case - I have a secured ESB service using HTTPS/BASIC auth invoking
invoking secured HTTPS/BASIC auth web service via SOAPProxy. If the credentials are passed
from the client then everything works correctly. But if I have different credentials
required for ESB client and different credentials are required by proxied Web Service then
I use property <property name="clientCredentialsRequired"
value="false" /> to set static credentials for proxied web service.
This property works correctly if the ESB service is unsecured. Unfortunately if it is
secured then probably the credentials stored in HTTP header stored in ESB message
overwrites the static credentials set by the SOAPProxy action.
The attached example is modified webservice_proxy_secure QS and has static credentials
set to wrong values - so proxied web service should not be invoked. But if ant runtest is
executed then the wrong credentials are not used.
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